Health Matters EBOP September 2019 | Page 3

Bay of Plenty Direct Health Board Candidates Chris KING-HAZEL Janet Louise PETERS Kevin TOHIARIKI ,ZDQWWRHQVXUHWKHUHLVVX൶ FLHQW representation to promote equity of health services across all demographics in the Bay of Plenty. I will be a strong advocate for consistency in the levels of VHUYLFHSURYLGHGWRDOOHVSHFLDOO\0ƗRUL elderly and those more vulnerable in our community. My strengths are my strong roots within the community, my sense of social justice, my knowledge of the health system, and my empathy for those who struggle to be adequately served by that V\VWHP,FXUUHQWO\ZRUNIRU:KDNDWƗQH District Council, and previously managed its pensioner housing. I have more than 12 years’ experience with the BOPDHB (mental and public health), &<)6DQG1JƗWL$ZD6RFLDO+HDOWK6HUYLFHV,ZDVERUQDQGUDLVHGLQ :KDNDWƗQH,¶PPDUULHGWR7KRPDV 1JƗWL3RURX1JƗWL$ZD7njKRH  and have two adult children. I am a Registered Psychologist and policy adviser who has worked on national health campaigns for many years, including the National Depression Initiative with John Kirwan.My extensive experience internationally and nationally in mental health and public health means I am passionate about improving health services for all people - from babies to olderfolk. As a carer for my late parents, and having overcome health challenges myself, I’m SDVVLRQDWHDERXW³SHRSOHFHQWUHG´FDUHLQ the community. The Mental Health Inquiry report shows that we need to strengthen PHQWDOKHDOWKDGGLFWLRQSULPDU\FDUHDQG VHUYLFHVIRU0DRULDQG3DVL¿NDFRPPXQLWLHV,¶GVXSSRUWVHUYLFHVWKDW promote these approaches here in the Bay of Plenty. I’m very interested LQSXUVXLQJLPSURYHPHQWVWRFKLOGWUDXPDVHUYLFHVWKDWFRXOG¿WWKH existing Whanau Ora health care model. It’s my desire to see changes that promote resilience, strength and wellbeing among children. They are our future. Independent I bring my lifetime of national and international experience, skills and knowledge to our community. With three decades as an RNZAF aviator and VHQLRUR൶ FHU,EULQJWKHVWX൵QHHGHG WROHDGSHRSOHLQGL൶ FXOWVLWXDWLRQV make rational decisions under extreme pressure; and manage and operate our nation’s critical assets. I have worked force structuring for the NZDF; run aircraft upgrade projects with the MoD; managed a UK-based European aerospace company; and I am currently doing voluntary work. Rapid district growth is clearly challenging BOP DHB JRYHUQDQFHZLWKEXGJHWVEHFRPLQJGL൶ FXOWWREDODQFH$FFRXQWDELOLW\ to the Minister of Health who holds the purse strings, is as important as accountability to our people and delivering solutions to their health needs. Fresh new energy from a very successful background and viewpoint is required. I have that to give to our community. I am also standing for Katikati-Waihi Beach Ward. [email protected] Sharon KLETCHKO Independent Passionate about your health and the services you need to keep healthy, Dr Sharon Kletchko wants to be your elected Board Member on the BOPDHB Board. Vote her number 1 on the STV. Why? Dr Kletcko knows your health services! Sharon is a Canadian-born medical practitioner with over 36 years working in New Zealand for New Zealanders. Sharon worked in the NZ Public Health System as a front-line clinician, a Kidney Dialysis, Emergency Department and Intensive Care Director. 6KHZDVWKH&KLHI0HGLFDO2൶ FHUIRUWKH Ministry of Health (early’90’s. Employed in 1993 to be the Director Emergency Services in Tauranga, Sharon improved acute emergency department care in both Tauranga and Whakatane. Sharon has worked on DHB Strategic goals for the BOP, Nelson-Marlborough and Southern DHBs. Sharon is a member of the NZ Institute of Directors has extensive Board experience. Vote #1 for Dr Sharon Kletchko for your health! Derek ROSER The DHB would be a natural home for me, my professional career provides skills and experience crucial for good governance of a hospital and best value for the health dollar, your tax dollar. Working in Pathology, Health Service management and my own consultancy I developed a passion for customer service, innovation, planning, and communication, be it beside a hospital bed or in the boardroom. Corporate sector executive roles provided further board DQG¿QDQFLDOH[SHULHQFH/LYLQJKHUHIRU 40 years - I am one of the people and I have been here for the people, enjoying community organisations including repertory, arts, football, maritime trust and coastguard. I have served and will continue to serve the community which rallied around when my wife required a liver transplant 28 years ago. We remain indebted for your support. When elected I will ensure planning and delivery of quality services to improve health outcomes for you. Tracey LIVINGSTON STOP Trashing Our Planet. ³0HGLFLQHLVREVHVVHGZLWK¿QGLQJDFXUH ZLWKRXW¿UVW¿QGLQJWKHFDXVH´'LVHDVH VHHPVWREHRXU³QHZQRUPDO´:HPXVW work harder towards disease prevention. DHB’s need research into root causes if we are to reduce our disease rates. We must provide healthy alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs to reduce drug reactions. Our society is demanding more natural medicines, such as Vitamin C therapy, in hospitals. We need more doctors who understand integrative medicine. Families are demanding alternatives to vaccines and antibiotics for tamariki health care. I support families with vaccine injured children or those who refuse vaccination altogether. Our precious drinking water must be free from toxic contamination such as 1080 aerial poisoning, ÀXRULGDWLRQDQGRWKHUHQYLURQPHQWDOWR[LQVWRSURWHFWFRPPXQLW\ health. My degree in Osteopathy provides the board with a fresh vision for families working towards health and healing instead of just disease management. More information: “Ko te aronga matua a te Tari o Nga Rata, ko te kimi rongoa auraki i PXDWRQXLWHUDSXLWHSnjWDNHRWHUDUX´ 1ƗWƝQHLZKDNDSDHPHNDKDWHUDQJDKDXLWHSnjWDNHRQJƗUDUXRWH PƗXLXLWDQJDNƗWDKLNLWHWDKDURQJRƗ 0HWƗSLULQJƗURQJRƗNƯQDNLQDNLNLURWRWRQXLQJƗKǀKLSHUDNLDPDKL QJƗWDKLNLQJƗURQJRƗDXUDNL .LDZKDNDPXWXDKRNLLQJƗURQJRƗƗUDLPDWHDXUDNLPHQJƗURQJRƗ SDWXURSL.HLWHWDXWRNRDKDXLQJƗZKƗQDXNDZKDNDKƝLQJƗURQJRƗ ƗUDLPDWHDXUDNL 0HZKDNDKƝWH'+%LWHWXNXLWHPHWHWXNXLWHSnjNǀZKDLKH NLQRQǀƝQHLSDLWLQLNLQJƗZDLNDZKDNDPDKLDHWƗWRX 1DWǀNXWRKXUDWDKHPƗUDPDWDQJDƗNXNLWHZKDNDZKƗQLLWHWLURKDQJD DWH'+%PǀWHWDKDZDLRUDKDXRUDNDXDUDZDNLQJƗURQJRƗDXUDNL PHQJƗPƗXLXLWDQJDDQDNH Malcolm WHITAKER Kia ora my name is Malcolm Whitaker. I have been practising complementary medicine since 1981. Self-employed Naturopath Osteo-Therapist. Believing in holistic medicine to health. We need to focus on prevention programs. Why. To address issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart problems and bowel dysfunctions. We have more overweight, XQ¿WXQKHDOWK\SHRSOH,VHHQRUHDO accountability from those present health programs. “People need to take responsibility for most of their own KHDOWK´*RYHUQDQFH7ZHOYH\HDUVDV a Regional Councillor 9 years on the Eastern Bay Road Safety Committee. 3 as Chairman. 10 years on the Whakatane Kiwi Trust. 5 years as Chairman. 3 years on Eastern Conservation Board. Several years on the Ballance Farm Awards and Animal Health Board. We need future generations to be healthy. I will work towards this. Your vote will not be wasted Teresa SAGE ,DPDTXDOL¿HGQXUVHZLWKH[SHULHQFHLQ WKH¿HOGVRIFDUHRIWKHHOGHUO\PHGLFLQH surgery, emergency medicine, orthopaedics and latterly as a specialist nurse in haematology and oncology. I retrained to EHFRPHDTXDOL¿HGFRXQVHOORUZLWKP\RZQ private practice. I specialise in counselling RIYLFWLPVRIVH[XDODEXVHDQGFKLOGUHQ adolescents. My nursing experience has EHHQLQWKUHHGL൵HUHQWFRQWLQHQWVDQG health systems. I am currently the deputy chairperson for Omokoroa Community Board. With this breath of experience on physical and mental healthcare provision as well as governance I would be someone on the board who would be able to address local provision of healthcare for those with mental health and the Youth who are at risk. These are strategic areas of importance for the government who will want to see DJRRGUHWXUQRQWKHLULQYHVWPHQWLQWHUPVRIH൵HFWLYHQHVVH൶ FLHQF\ and equity in healthcare. Teresa is also standing for the Omokoroa Community Board. Peter WHITE Ron SCOTT Clare WILSON Independent JP CMInstD DHB Deputy Chair, Chair of Audit, Finance, Risk Management Committee. We need stable, strong governance experience for ongoing development of health services in our rapidly changing region. The current Chair and CEO both retire later this year so the institutional knowledge and experience that I bring as Deputy Chair will be vital when appointing a new CEO -a key decision of the new Board. We also need: Closer linkages with other agencies especially in mental health services; Better access to after-hours services; To encourage older people to stay active at home with appropriate home-care services and to provide respectful care if health deteriorates; Safe workplaces for our VWD൵DQGRWKHUKHDOWKSURIHVVLRQDOVZLWKDSSURSULDWHUHVRXUFLQJ When we care for our health professionals we care for our patients. About me: Experience Director (Chair SILC, AA-BoP District Council, Stellaris Ltd). I teach Governance and Strategic Planning. In standing for the DHB I believe I have the holistic perspective and experience needed to represent the providers and consumers of the Health Services in the BOP. I have worked in both hospital- and community-based health sectors as a registered nurse over 30 years, and now specialising in mental health of young people in the education sector. 0\TXDOL¿FDWLRQVLQFOXGH06F (',1  BA, Diploma of Nursing, and I am a Justice of the Peace. I am an educator, caregiver and a trusted professional who achieves results. My recent focus has been our young people - our future. Having one foot in education and the other in health gives me a unique perspective on today’s issues and opportunities. I know the needs of our community, from child and adolescent health through to aged care. I will proudly represent Bay of Plenty residents, health professionals and providers with integrity and acumen. Independent The health care for our community is my number one priority. As our region has grown the waiting times for elective surgery have also grown. For our retired population this is now a serious issue. Communication is my forte as a journalist and communication must be improved between the DHB and patients. Elderly people having surgery cancelled is not what should be happening. I grew up in Tauranga and live and work there today. I spent summer holidays during my university years working at Tauranga Hospital’s XRay department. My late mother Jean White served two terms on the BOP District Health Board and I will proudly continue WKH¿QHZRUNVKHGLG)RUPHLWFRPHVGRZQWRDVLPSOHJRDO%23 District Health Board should be the best at looking after our patients’ needs in New Zealand. I will do everything in my power to make that happen.