Health Matters EBOP September 2019 | Page 2

Saturday 12 October 2019 is your chance to vote for the next Bay of Plenty District Health Board. Twenty-one people are seeking election for seven positions RQWKHERDUG$OOFDQGLGDWHVKDYHOLVWHGWKH%D\RI3OHQW\'LVWULFW+HDOWK%RDUGDUHDDVWKHLUSODFHRIUHVLGHQFH7KHLUSUR¿OHVDUHLQ+HDOWK0DWWHUVLQ DOSKDEHWLFDORUGHU)ROORZWKHOLQNEHORZIRULQIRUPDWLRQDERXWDQ\SRWHQWLDOFRQÀLFWVRILQWHUHVW Hori AHOMIRO Geoff ESTERMAN Joel HINGSTON Hori is a Registered Social Worker and Mental Health Advisor/Cultural lead with DVSHFLDOLQWHUHVWLQ.DXSDSD0ƗRULDQG Indigenous models of health and wellbeing. He has applicable systemic and practical experience within Iwi, social services, community and government health environments. He is a respectful advocate, of bicultural social work, human rights, natural justice and the implementation of the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. He aims to add his experience and skill set to help transform and improve our current poor health statistics and outcomes for 0ƗRULDQGRWKHUSDWLHQWVLQRXU%23'+% region. His background includes Governance, Management and OHDGHUVKLSRIZKƗQDXKDSnjDQGLZLLQFOXGLQJWKDWRIORFDODQGQDWLRQDO mental health, social work, community, psychiatry and health quality DQGVDIHW\FRPPLVVLRQERDUGVDQGD൶ OLDWHG0ƗRULDGYLVRU\JURXSV MIS (Hons) BSW, Reg SW, Dip Ad Ed, Clinical and Mataora Supervisor. 'U*HR൵(VWHUPDQ0%&K%'LS2EV )51=&*3 As a New Zealand born and trained General 3UDFWLWLRQHUZRUNLQJLQ7DXUDQJDIRU years, I am aware of patient needs. My UHHOHFWLRQZLOODOORZPHWRFRQWLQXHWR be a voice for patients from someone who understands the system. Hospital dynamics are complex, but I understand them well. I have been on the DHB for 6 years; Chairing the Hospital Advisory Committee and being the Board Observer on the Clinical Governance Board. General Practice and community needs are also complex. My involvement with patients and Primary Healthcare boards means I can better advocate for wider health solutions. Our family has loved KROLGD\LQJLQ2SRWLNLIRU\HDUV2XUH[SHULHQFHVDOOFRQWULEXWH to my excellent knowledge of the Bay of Plenty health system from all perspectives. I have the unique skill set required to achieve better RXWFRPHVIRUSDWLHQWV3OHDVHUHHOHFWPH $VDQDPEXODQFHR൶ FHU,JHWDXQLTXH insight into all aspects of the Bay of Plenty health sector. Along with my work on the ambulance I work with St John in the community health area pushing for innovation and aiming to deliver community focused health initiatives that improve outcomes. This work has highlighted how a DHB that supports innovative ideas and technologies enhances health across the region for all communities. As part of the DHB I will support the region to be a leader in innovative healthcare that embraces new ideas and technology, while still maintaining the positive work already being done. With a focus on how we can adapt and grow as a health sector, I will work to enhance the health of the entire region. Ian FINCH Mark ARUNDEL My pharmacy career and experience with BOPDHB has been about quality care, compassion and dignity for patients and KHDOWKFDUHVWD൵ZKLOHDFKLHYLQJYDOXHIRU money within available funding. Most of ZKDWH൵HFWVKHDOWKRFFXUVLQHGXFDWLRQ employment, housing and welfare, outside ‘health system control’. I believe our health system, which is mainly people, is at a tipping point now and our politicians must be compelled to ask New Zealanders if we are prepared to contribute more to the costs of healthcare and it’s determinants, before we are forced to reduce services in the face of unprecedented demands. Technology and innovation will not deliver fast enough. Capable dedicated people in every part of our health system are under unsustainable pressure now. I ask your support to deliver these messages to our responsible Ministers RI+HDOWKDQG)LQDQFHWRKHOSHQVXUHRXUUHDVRQDEOHH[SHFWDWLRQVFDQ be met into the future. Bev EDLIN 5H(OHFW'U%HY(GOLQ'%$0%$)*1= &),QVW' As a current Board Member with a wide range of proven business skills, coupled with extensive governance experience, expertise and practical involvement in large organisations, I remain dedicated and focussed to the task of ensuring this large, complex and specialist organisation delivers DSSURSULDWHDQGQHHGHGKHDOWKUHODWHG services to our communities today; while planning for its future. I currently chair the BOPDHB’s Community Public Health and Disability Advisory Committee. I am a PHPEHURILWV$XGLW)LQDQFH5LVNDQG6WUDWHJLF+HDOWK&RPPLWWHHV, also represent BOPDHB on two Lakes DHB’s Advisory Committees. 0\SURPLVH³7RHQVXUH\RXU'LVWULFW+HDOWK%RDUGH൵HFWLYHO\DQG strategically leads the organisation into the future by becoming even PRUH¿QDQFLDOO\VDYY\VRLWFDQFRQWLQXHGHOLYHULQJSURIHVVLRQDO H൵HFWLYHDQGWLPHO\KHDOWKVHUYLFHVDQGIDFLOLWLHVIRUDOOZKRQHHG them.” Ehara taku toa I te toa takatahi engari, he toa takitini. Driving Better Health Outcomes For All I am an optometrist practicing in Whakatane for 28 years I have an history of governance in both business and community. I am PDUULHGWR6XH PLGZLIH IRU\UV,KDYH three children and three grandchildren. I am passionate about achieving the best health outcomes for everyone in the BOP. As a health professional I see how poor health D൵HFWVWKHGDLO\OLIHRIVRPDQ\LQGLYLGXDOV ,VHHKRZLQHTXLW\D൵HFWVKHDOWKLWLV incumbent upon us all to care for the ones who have the least opportunity to care for themselves. Using my governance H[SHULHQFH,ZLOOKHOSVKDSHDKHDOWKDXWKRULW\ZKLFKIXO¿OVWKRVH aims. It is important our health authority demonstrates a culture of care not only for its patients but also for its employees. My experience in helping nurture positive culture change in a variety of environment’s ZLOOSURYHEHQH¿FLDOLQWKLVUHJDUG Sneha GRAY The right to quality healthcare is essential to sustaining our identity, and therefore it is imperative to have diverse people on the board with expertise in both clinical DQGQRQFOLQLFDOFDUH:KLOHZHKDYH made improvements, we still struggle to provide an environment where all patients FDQDFFHVVGLJQL¿HGKHDOWKFDUH5HVHDUFK VKRZVWKDWWKRVHZKRDUHD൵RUGHGGLJQLW\ both physically and psychologically respond better to their treatment, and so it is incumbent upon us to create a health system that provides that dignity. With DQLQGHSWKNQRZOHGJHRISHRSOHDQG identity, local and international expertise in YDULHGDUHDVLQFOXGLQJSODFHGHYHORSPHQWJRYHUQDQFHDQGH൶ FLHQW communications, Sneha brings with her unique skillsets that will be an asset. Sneha’s work at the Auckland DHB and access to services at the BOPDHB has given her a good understanding of the DHB system. She LVFXUUHQWO\¿QLVKLQJXSKHUGRFWRUDWHRQSODFHDQGLGHQWLW\6QHKDLV also standing for the Kawerau District Council. Marion GUY Registered nurse, Masters of Nursing, QSO. Many years’ experience working in the community and hospital throughout the region. Other experience includes 5 terms BOPDHB; health leadership and governance roles both nationally and internationally. These diverse experiences DUHFRPSOHPHQWDU\DQGEHQH¿WHDFK other. As a nurse I have considerable knowledge of how the health system works, assisting me to make informed decisions on the issues presented. My clinical and governance background gives me an understanding of issues facing health providers and the community. This enables me to highlight gaps in the GHOLYHU\RIWLPHO\DQGH൵HFWLYHVHUYLFHVDORQJZLWKVXJJHVWLRQVIRU improvement. Planning to meet future demand is a challenge. People need to have a choice of healthcare service that suits their individual need. I remain committed to ensuring all people in our region have the EHVWTXDOLW\KHDOWKFDUHVHUYLFHVWKDWDUHD൵RUGDEOHDQGDFFHVVLEOH5H HOHFW0DULRQ*X\9RWH1XPEHU Callum HUNTER Independent Having grown up in Tauranga, while living with, and overcoming, serious illness with the support of the BOPDHB, I bring a SDWLHQWIRFXVVHGDSSURDFKWRKHDOWKFDUH NQRZLQJSHUVRQDOO\KRZWKH'+%LWV people, and their service, can improve the lives of all in our community, because they greatly improved mine. I currently work as a communications professional in the advertising industry, and am excited at the opportunity to use my skills to ensure that the board continues to make positive, responsible progress, so that every person in the community receives the very best care. In particular, I’ll look to ensure we’re engaging with all in the community; listening to, and providing for, your needs, clearly communicating the services available DQGDVLPSRUWDQWO\KRZ\RXFDQDFFHVVWKHP)RUDIUHVKYRLFH on the BOPDHB, representing you, and the whole community, vote Callum Hunter. Mawera KARETAI Driving Better Health Outcomes For All ,R൵HUP\VNLOOVDQGHQHUJ\WRVXSSRUW the people and communities of the BOP in achieving positive health outcomes for DOO0\LQWHUHVWVDUH$FKLOG¶V¿UVW days; the impact of ourenvironment on the health and wellbeing of families; and sensible prevention strategies to improve health outcomes across the BOP. With useful skills and experience in governance, ,KDYHEHHQH൵HFWLYHLQGULYLQJSRVLWLYH change on various boards. My Bachelor of Applied Management and Masters in Environmental Management have provided a solid foundation for my professional governance practice. With NQRZOHGJHLQ¿QDQFHDQGLQYHVWPHQW,NQRZWKHULJKWTXHVWLRQVWRDVN to ensure we are using your money to best support you, your family, our communities and your medical professionals. My family supports me. I will attend board meetings ready to work, having read and understood Board papers. Thank you, I would appreciate your vote. .DWRURDWXWǀNXNDWRDNLWHKDSRULR7H0RDQDD7RLWHKXDWDKLNLD ZKDNDSLNLWHKDXRUDRWHNDWRD.RLQHLDNXZKƗLQJDPDWXD 1JƗUƗRWHWDPDLWLPDLLWǀQDZKƗQDXWDQJDWHWƗKDZDKDZDWDQJD o te taiao, te whakatakoto rautaki hei whakatenatena i te hauora me te RUDQJDWDQJDWRQXWDQJDDQJƗZKƗQDX 1ƗUXQJDLDNXSnjNHQJDNDWDHDWHWXUXNLKDHUHQJƗNDXSDSDHZKDL KXDDLWƗWDXPDLLQJƗSRDULPDKD.RWǀNXWnjƗSDSDLURWRLQJƗPDKL NR7H7RKX3DHWDKLPǀ1JƗ:KDNDKDHUHQJD7DXPH7H7RKX3DHUXD Tiaki Taiao. (PƗUDPDDQDDXNLQJƗWDNHSnjWHDZKDNDQJDRSnjWHDKRNLƗNDWXNX SƗWDLHWLNDDQDNLDWDXWRNRLDNRHLWǀXZKƗQDXLWǀXKDSRULPHQJƗ QJDLRKDXRUD.RWǀNXDQǀZKƗQDXWǀNXSDNLKLZLNDKD (NRUHHƗULNDULNDDNXPLKLNLDNRXWRXPƝQƗNDSǀWLLDDX