Health Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids No One Glorifies Health Benefits Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids No One Glor | Page 3

3. Omega 3 for Improved Eye Health DHA present in Omega 3 fatty acids is very essential for the development of the structural component of the retina. This is why regular consumption of omega 3 reduces the chances of macular degeneration, which is one of the leading causes behind blindness. 4. Omega 3 Contributes to Good Heart Health One of the leading causes of death in the world is strokes or heart attacks. Now, a few decades before, researches conducted surveys and found that fish-eating communities faced lower rates of cardiac arrests while counties in America saw higher rates of heart attacks. The reason was simple; the Pescetarian communities consumed lots of omega 3 fatty acids which helped promote secure heart health. Omega 3 fatty acids controlled the number of triglycerides in the bloodstream thus reducing high pressure. Further, good cholesterol present in Omega 3 fatty acid helped break down clogged arteries thus promoting adequate blood flow. Further, omega 3 controls the accumulation of plague, and blood clots, therefore, reducing the chances of potential cardiac arrests. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory properties of omega 3 fatty acids help to counter strokes too. This is why regular intake of Omega 3 fatty acids in the diet can help regulate good health. 5. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Reduce Signs of Metabolic Syndrome Metabolic syndrome is a cacophony of several problems. From obesity, insulin resistance, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, and low “good” HDL cholesterol levels and more, several issues affect the body at once. Luckily with the consumption of omega 3 fatty acid supplements or foods, these issues can be tackled effectively. Omega 3 can counter inflammation, heart disease, and insulin resistance which helps regulate symptoms of metabolic syndrome.