This function adds the new process described by the researchers of the Institute of biomedical research "Alberto Sols", which consists of the regulation of histone demetilasas, some proteins that control a large number of genes. Again, vitamin D acts triggering cascade reactions: its derivative the calcitriol regulates the genes that encode for the demetilasas histones, and these in turn activate or silence to other histones, which are proteins that are part of the structure of the genes and control its expression.
Effects on the body
The action of vitamin D on the body is an example of epigenetic regulation, i.e. is a process by which substances we eat or the environment in which we live changed our genes and have consequences on the body. The final effects of this function of vitamin D are varied depending on the gene diana: for example, previous studies have linked its action with protection against multiple sclerosis and the defence against infections. However, still missing by identifying many of the target genes of vitamin D and its role in the body.