Healing Manna JULY 2017 | Page 7

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See, you have power with God because of your right standing with Him. You have unlimited authority with God like Elijah and Joshua to make things happen in your life and family if only you will dare, use your right standing with God.

You're fearful because you're not sure of your right standing with God.

Friends, it is time to stand in our right standing with God, and tell the devil to take his ugly hands off our life, wife, husband, children, business, health, finance, career and marriage.

Hear this, until we stand in our righteousness in Christ Jesus despite all the false and right accusations of the devil and men around us, we may not enjoy our Christian life in this world. It is time to pray like Elijah and Joshua without sense of fear or doubt.

See, God is waiting for your right now to pray a commanding prayer i.e. to place a demand on Him like Elijah. If I be a child of God, let there be ---.

Pls, say words right now that change your life forever.

Do this every day of your life. When you wake up in the morning, put your righteousness as a weapon of defense and offence. Decree and declare:

I am not a slave and a wretched sinner. I am a Son of God with power. I am a fellow heir with Jesus. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore I am a master over all circumstances of life. I am complete in Him who is the head of all principalities and powers. I am seated with Jesus by God at His right hand of power far above all principalities, powers, angels, rulers and thrones.

I have authority in heaven and on earth because of Jesus for as He is in so I am in this world. Thus, when I speak, my words carry power and dominion in celestial and terrestrial places. My voice is obeyed and not refuted anymore by any power in Christ Jesus name. When I speak henceforth, it comes to pass swiftly. I am a king in the spirit realm, thus I rule by my words as king and lord in Jesus name henceforth. I am living a life of favor, miracles, signs and wonders in Jesus mighty name.

Glory be to God!









Ogbonaya str., Alaakara B.stop, Ashipa, Amule. Ayobo