Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 7, Special Annual Issue, 15 June 2023 | Page 44

we have the extra gift of being able to practice listening and working with our intuition by using the Reiki energy to assist us .
A daily Reiki session on yourself is the best way to get in tune with your body on an energetic , physical , and emotional level . This is the key to establishing a foundation in which you can build your trust and believe in yourself and your intuitive abilities .
Why the need to develop intuition , you ask ? Why not let your emotional and psychological state be as it is ? First and foremost , intuition promotes good communication . It makes you more sensitive to the people around you ; it often keeps you from hurting those you love because you are intuitive enough to understand them .
Intuition also makes you far more creative than ever . Intuition means releasing more creative ideas for any means of expression .
Lastly , intuition has a healing power . This healing power is not in the physical sense , but in delving deep into your soul to eradicate some negative energy buried in it . Intuition can stop us from bringing more negative energy on board . It can also help us know when it ’ s time to do an aura cleanse or Reiki session . It ’ s all about listening to yourself
With that being said , are you ready to develop your intuition ?

Here are some ways to unlock this gift using Reiki !

1 . Meditation

Meditating means finding peace in yourself . If your mind and heart are cluttered with too much baggage and hurt , you wouldn ’ t be able to quiet down that part of you that could eventually initiate intuition . Let ’ s practice using Reiki with your meditation . When you meditate , try to do a full-body scan . In your mind ’ s eye , slowly start from your head all the way to