3 . Write a letter FROM your inner child
4 . Share your pain with a trusted person
As you write the letter , tell your inner child how much you love them and want to spend time with them . Write in a way that makes you feel safe , cared for , and understood . Here ’ s an example of a letter I have written to my inner child : Dear Little Ale , I ’ m so happy you ’ re born . I am here to protect , love , and care for you . I want to help you feel loved and accepted for who you are . I want to show you that it ’ s safe to be heard , to feel , and to be seen . I want you to feel like you will always have a home with me no matter what . I want to help and guide you every step of the way . I love you so much . Love , Fairy Godmother Aletheia If you feel emotional during this process , it ’ s okay . Let yourself cry and be proud of your courage to express how you truly feel .
3 . Write a letter FROM your inner child
Use your non-dominant hand ( in order to bypass your logical side of the brain ) and write yourself a letter from the perspective of your inner child . For example , if you are usually right-handed , use your left hand to write . Using your non-dominant hand will help you get more in touch with the feelings of your inner child . Here is an example of my inner child speaking to me : Dear Godmother , I want to find home . Please protect me . I don ’ t want to feel alone anymore . Love , Little Ale You can write back and forth between your Wise Wo / man , Witch / Wizard , or Fairy Godmother self and your little self . Creating this conversation often reveals a lot of surprising buried emotions and new information .
4 . Share your pain with a trusted person
It is vital that the pain you went through as a child is validated and heard by someone . Whether you seek out a caring friend , support group , or trusted therapist please understand that sharing your feelings is essential to all inner child work . Sure , you can do it alone . And you can do a lot of deep work alone in general . But in order to experience important ‘ breakthroughs ’ or even just to heal deeply , sharing is important .