Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 7, Special Annual Issue, 15 June 2023 | Page 23

1 . Reflect on the timeline of your childhood
2 . Write a letter To your inner child
I truly hope you can find something below that will nourish you and your relationship with your inner child . And remember , if you need more in-depth help , I recommend finding more inner child healing exercises in our Inner Child Journal .
Here are the summarised points :
1 .
Reflect on the timeline of your childhood
2 .
Write a letter to your inner child
3 .
Write a letter from your inner child
4 .
Share your pain with a trusted person
5 .
Loving and supportive affirmations
6 .
Do an inner child visualisation / meditation
7 .
Be your own protector and nurturer
I ’ ll go more in-depth into these points below :

1 . Reflect on the timeline of your childhood

You might like to get a piece of paper or document on your computer and divide your childhood into the following stages : Infant Self ( 0-9 months ), Toddler Self ( 9 months to 3 years ), Preschool Self ( 3-6 years ), and School- Aged Self ( 6 years to puberty ). Within each stage , try your best to recall how you felt , what life was like , and how safe , supported , and accepted you felt . Keep in mind that feeling safe as a child didn ’ t always have to do with the family environment . Often the school or other environments that we spent a lot of time in shaped our inner child . Record any memories or physical sensations you had , even if they feel fragmented . Record the tones of voice , expressions , and words your parents or teaches used when interacting with you . Even if a memory seems silly or a reaction you remember having seemed excessive , please write it down . As an adult , it ’ s important to honour what your inner child experienced , even if it seems ridiculous or exaggerated as an adult . The more information and emotionally-charged material you have for a particular age range , the more you need to focus on connecting with that particular stage . I ’ ll share with you how below .

2 . Write a letter To your inner child

Imagine that you ’ re a wise , gentle , and loving old wo / man , friendly witch or wizard , or fairy godmother . Imagine that you want to adopt your inner child .