compassionate healing power . Recite the given prayer to continue – “ Dear Archangel Raphael , please heal all the wounds within me that are associated with this ( situation or person ). Heal my heart and help me move on . Please fill me up with your divine emerald healing light . Thank you .” Sit and relax , again , and allow the healing to finish .
9 Closing : Swipe your aura once you are done with the exercise . Put your feet on the ground and build your connection with mother Earth . Take a few long deep breaths . Once you are done then thank mother Earth , Reiki , and the angels who helped you through your healing session with a loving concluding note . Fold your hands in namaste and bow to them with compassion .
10 Self-care after the session : Once you finish offer yourself a glass of water . Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day with water , smoothies , and freshly squeezed juices . Take a nap if you feel tired after the session . Eat more high-energy food and avoid eating any junk food or even animal-based products . Stay more around nature and animals afterward . You can use this exercise for releasing your past often and it works miraculously . As I have understood , time is a healer itself , but if you have given yourself enough time and you are still pondering over your past more than often then this exercise can be your way forward . You can do the exercise in the presented methodology to get the best results .
Do remember that you are doing this for yourself . Forgiveness and letting go are the tools of self-help . You cannot move forward if you are acting the same every time you land into a similar situation or you keep attracting similar people like the ones in your past . As I have already mentioned what is going to change is you . You are on your own journey and only you can make a difference in your life . No matter how many practices someone shares with you , if you are not willing to advance then nothing could help . Life is meant to be lived and the only way to do it is to do it with love .
Aarti Seraphim is a Certified Usui Reiki Master , Angels Therapist , and Tarot
Card Reader . She has completed her Masters in English Literature from IGNOU Noida , India . Aarti is trained in Indian Classical Vocal Music and French Language . She works as a freelance writer . She idealises love and peace as the sole purpose of the creator . She is inspired to enlighten the world about healing modalities and self-love . Her aspiration to restore love and peace in the world motivates her to use the blessings of lightwork for helping out those in need . You can reach her at reikiaarti777 @ gmail . com or www . facebook . com /
AartiSeraphim777 .