Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 7, Issue - 12, 1 June 2023 | Page 13

5 Ways Your Wounded Inner Child Sabotages Your Life 

unconsciously sabotages the relationship by seeking out ways to alienate herself and leaves . She was raised by a father who preferred moving from one woman to another , rather than spending time with her . She has a wounded inner child .

6 . Arjun , a non-binary person , suffers from chronic anxiety and cannot go a few minutes without feeling a free-floating sense of fear . They have tried many remedies but none have worked and they are now numbed out on antidepressants . As a child , Arjun ’ s religious family taught them that they would go to hell if they didn ’ t obey God . They have a wounded inner child .

7 . A prison guard mistreats the prisoners who he is meant to watch over . He projects his own narcissistic tendencies onto the prisoners . He sees them as “ evil animals .” As a child , his mother told him that she would have preferred to get an abortion . To cope with this pain , he developed an idealised version of himself – a narcissistic identity that made him feel invincible . He has a wounded inner child .

8 . Angelica is a stereotypical “ good girl .” Everyone points out how sweet and caring she is . The reality is that Angelica only pretends to be nice in order to be accepted . Beneath the mask , she feels bitter , critical , and resentful towards others . As a child , she was only shown affection when putting on this false self . She has a wounded inner child .

5 Ways Your Wounded Inner Child Sabotages Your Life 

One of the first ways to become aware of your wounded inner child is by observing their impact on your life . I want to mention something important here : your inner child does not intentionally seek to sabotage your life . Rather , the negative behaviors that spring from them are a natural byproduct of unresolved pain from childhood . It ’ s also important to understand that your inner child has a lot of positivity to share as well . There ’ s so much untapped wonder , creativity , humor , and childlike wisdom your inner child has to share . Often when doing inner child work , you ’ ll be surprised by the range of dazzling capabilities , gifts , and qualities that have been buried within your unconscious – sometimes for decades ! With that being said , it ’ s an important part of our journeys to face reality and be honest with ourselves . Working with and coming to understand the inner child isn ’ t all sunshine and rainbows . But by becoming aware of the ways your life is being sabotaged , you can then begin the process of nurturing ,