Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 7, Issue - 12, 1 June 2023 | Page 12

Examples of the Wounded Inner Child 

• I feel more responsible for others than for myself .
• I never felt close to my mother and / or father .
• My deepest fear is being abandoned – I ’ ll do anything to cling to a relationship .
• I struggle to say , “ No .”
If you answered yes to ten or more of these statements , working with your inner child should be at the top of your priority list . If you answered yes to five or more of these statements , you ’ d do best to seriously consider reconnecting with your inner child .

Examples of the Wounded Inner Child 

The wounded inner child riddled with toxic shame can be found everywhere and this unresolved pain can leak into every aspect of our lives – no place is holy . No place is left untouched . Perhaps most sadly , our wounded inner child can sabotage our closest and most dear relationships that we have with our partners , friends , family members , and children . If you ’ re still unsure as to how the wounded inner child appears in our lives , I ’ ll share some examples below that will hopefully illustrate the extent to which the wounded inner child can sabotage our lives :
1 . Maria struggles to say “ no ” to men . She has poor boundaries which has led to numerous toxic and abusive relationships with alcoholics and narcissists . She has a wounded inner child .

2 . Daniel is a caring father . He loves his wife and children , providing the best he can for them . The only problem is that he flies into temper tantrums at the drop of a hat . He is deeply ashamed after screaming at his children and raging at his wife . He has a wounded inner child .

3 . A woman suffers from anorexia nervosa . The very thought of eating makes her want to throw up . She was raised by a mother who constantly taunted her and poked fun at her “ flab .” She has a wounded inner child .

4 . A man is addicted to heroin . He was abandoned as a child by his mother and was beaten constantly by his father . He has a wounded inner child .

5 . Jessica is a relationship-hopper . She loves the thrill of falling in love but cannot tolerate getting emotionally close to her partners . She then