Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 7, Issue- 1, 1 July 2022 | Page 14

The above stones have more healing properties but I have only pointed how it helps with Weight release .
How to use these stones for weight release :
1 . Make crystal water with single stone or combination . 2 . Carry it with you in pocket , purse or bag . 3 . Wear it as a pendant , necklace or bracelet . 4 . Put it under your pillow . 5 . Meditate with the stone . 6 . Make a crystal grid for Weight release . 7 . Keep a bowl of crystals beside your fridge .
8 . While eating , hold your crystal in palm and state that your body will 
 only accept what is needed at this time and discharge anything that is not needed . 

Combination of Crystals and Reiki , along with nutritional diet and exercise manifests weight release way quicker .


Rinku Patel 
 is a Reiki Master Teacher , Doreen Virtue certi7ed-Angel intuitive ,
Fairyologist , Realm Reader , 
 Crystal healer , 

Angel card reader , and 
 Indigo card reader . 

Other than that she is a Certi7ed Tarot card reader and spiritual 
 email address reikithemiraclehealing @ gmail . com 

on Facebook at Reiki The Miracle Healing