Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 7, Issue- 1, 1 July 2022 | Page 12

Crystals for Weight Release
Are you one of those who want to release weight but you are big foodie and no time to exercise ? Or are you one of those who hardly eats anything but still gain weight ? Are you the one who has a poor metabolism ? Haven ’ t we all tried diet plans , slimming pills , detoxification programs and what not ? Let us make weight release a little easier with Crystals and Reiki .
I am listing few crystal that will help with weight release . First and foremost thing to do is cleanse your crystal . Draw Cho Ku Rei on crystal and rotate coned fingers seven times over it anti-clockwise saying CLEANSE . Next draw Cho Ku Rei again over your crystal and rotate coned fingers seven times over it clockwise saying PURIFY . Now draw other symbols that you are attuned to over crystal ( Let your intuition guide you which symbols to draw ). Program your crystal for weight release and give Reiki for about 5 minutes .
Below are some crystals , which help with weight release :
 Amethyst -Reduces craving . Extremely helpful when you are trying to control appetite . Great for addictive eating disorder .