How Domestic Abusers Groom and Isolate Their Victims
Domestic abusers often entrap their future victims with intense romance .
Violent and controlling relationships may begin with overwhelming attention , sweet words , and gifts that make future victims close their eyes to the red flags indicating potential abuse .
Abusers Often Come on Strong
Intense romance can be a form of grooming , a predatory tactic that is meant to build a deep emotional connection . Abusers know exactly what they are doing .
Sara was just 22 when she met 30-year-old Sam . Within two weeks , he had moved into her apartment , put his name on her bank account , and claimed her every second when she was not at work . Sam asked about her most intimate experiences , secrets , and dreams , and accompanied Sara whenever she went out .
At first , Sara was elated — no man had ever loved her this intensely . He put away their phones when they were together so they could concentrate on each other . He pushed her to skip events at work and with friends , saying their relationship was the priority . He made exciting alternative plans for the holidays , so she missed family gatherings .
Sam asked Sara for access to all her social media accounts as a “ sign of trust .” When Sara objected , Sam accused her of lacking commitment and became