Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 6, Issue- 1, 1 July 2021 | Page 12

‘ AngelS ’

The word ‘ angel ’ is derived from the ancient Greek ‘ angelos ’, meaning ‘ messenger ’. Angels act as a bridge , serving as a channel between the spiritual realm and the material , physical world . Angels are a bridge into the heavenly realms and convey a world beyond our normal sight which is around us and within us all .

As people become consciously aware of angels , the veil between our world and theirs becomes thinner . Angels wish for and seek contact and communication with you on a daily basis and you don ’ t need to have clairvoyant or psychic ability to experience angelic contact - just open and receptive .
The angels know that it is time for us to heal ourselves , our lives and our world and are helping us heal the challenges and ills that keep us from living at our highest potential .
Angels are among us now more than ever with increasing numbers of people reporting encounters , healing remedies , lifesaving measures and timely messages and our fascination with angels grows daily . Ordinary , everyday people all over the world now talk openly about how angels have helped them , and stories of angelic intervention are becoming more and more frequent .
Angelic contact varies greatly from person to person and comes in many different forms . People perceive angels in many different ways ; the most profound encounters are as physical manifestations . Some people see angels in human-like form complete with wings , whilst others are able to see angels with their mind ’ s eye . Some people see coloured swirling lights , and others encounter angels through their dreams or during meditation . Other people are able to feel angelic wings encircling and enfolding them and others encounter angels by being surrounded by a beautiful energy signature .
Angels can be perceived by any and all of the human senses . Some ways in which you may become aware of the presence of angels include :

* The atmosphere and energy of a room or area suddenly changes . You may feel surrounded by a warm glow or sensation . You may feel a rush of energy down your spine , then spread throughout your body . You may feel or sense the air around you tingling or ‘ sparking ’.
* The room or area suddenly fills with a beautiful fragrance or sweet perfume . * You may experience a particular sweet taste .