Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 43

Covid 19 Associated Anxiety and 
 Past Lives 

In the middle of the AIDS crisis , some 40 years ago , Osho , Indian mystic and founder of the Rajneesh movement , was asked how to avoid a pandemic . " You are asking the wrong question ," replied Osho , " the right question should be :" How can you avoid the fear of dying caused by the epidemic ( pandemic )?
Because it is very easy to avoid the virus , it is very difficult to avoid the fear in you and in the world . People will die more from this fear than from the epidemic ( pandemic ). There is NO virus in this world more dangerous than FEAR . Understand this fear , otherwise you will become a dead body before your body dies .
 It has nothing to do with the virus . The creepy atmosphere you feel in these moments is collective madness ... It has happened a thousand times and will continue to happen . And it will go on if you don ' t understand the psychology of crowds and fear .
Usually you keep your fear in check , but in the moment of collective madness your consciousness can be completely lost . You won ' t even know when you lost control of your fear . Then fear can make you do anything . In such a situation you can also take your life or the life of others .
So much will happen in the times to come :
Many people will kill themselves and many people will kill more . Caution , be careful .
 Don ' t watch messages that create fear . Stop talking about the epidemic , repeating the same thing over and over again is like self-hypnosis . Anxiety is a type of self-hypnosis . This idea will cause chemical changes in the body . Repeating the same idea over and over will trigger a chemical change that can sometimes be so toxic that it can kill you too . Energy becomes irrational around the world during an epidemic . This way you can fall into a black hole at any time . Meditation then becomes a protective aura that no negative energy can penetrate ."