Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 44

Wise words from a wise man . I think that few people would disagree with the observation that we are seeing so much grossly debilitating fear , stress , anxiety and worry these days . Of itself , these emotions are of pandemic proportions . And this is understandable when one considers the uncertainty the world is going through these because of the Covid - 19 crisis . Hypnotherapists , myself included , are seeing an increase in the number of clients with this presenting problem .
It ' s not just concerns for physical health – of whether they ' re going to get the virus or not and get through this thing alive - but also , for many people , their economic situation . There are growing numbers of people who don ' t know if they ' re going to have a roof over their heads or if they ' ll be able to feed themselves and their families . 
 So , it ' s no surprise that so many people are just overcome by worry and anxiety to the point that many are finding it very difficult to function . Or the only way they CAN function is with a bunch of medications or alcohol .
We ' re also seeing quite an uptick in social anxiety which can be defined as an intense fear of being negatively evaluated , judged , criticised or rejected in a social situation .
 But , at the same time , there are people in the same situation , undergoing the same heath and economic concerns , who aren ' t feeling stressed out or anxious . Who are not chewing their fingernails to the bone . They just seem to sail through and take life as it comes , day by day . They go with the flow , as the saying goes .
Why the disparity ? Well , for one thing these clients have never gone through anything like this before – or have they ?
There is a belief which holds that our feelings , attitudes and emotions today represent a culmination of all the experiences we ’ ve had over numerous lifetimes . These past life events can affect many aspects of our behaviour and , in some instances , deeply emotional or physical traumas can cause psychological or physical problems which may resist cure through conventional treatment . My experience , and others who do Past Life therapy , can release the effect of these repressed thoughts , events , emotions or situations and help solve the problem or go a long way toward solving the problem . Recently , I decided to implement that as a first line of attack with those suffering from Covid-19 induced panic , anxiety , stress ,