Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -6, 1 December 2020 | Page 20

from its well-worn paths . Anyone with a vocation hears that voice of his inner man : he is called .” There ’ s a moment in our lives when we awaken to this inner vocation . When we listen to our soft , innermost voices , we become like aliens in society . We stop caring about what our parents , families , friends and cultures pressure us to be . We crave more . This is the moment when our spiritual journeys ( https :// lonerwolf . com / spiritual-journey /) begin . This is the moment when 
 we begin our unique tasks of individuation . And this is always something different for each of us .
The soul knows that there is only one way to fulfill itself , and that is through creating balance with the inner and outer , ego and spiritual self . Perhaps the oldest truth of all self-discovery is that the only way out is through . In other words , the only way to leave behind our emptiness ( https :// lonerwolf . com / feeling-empty /) and unhappiness , is to embark on a journey through the ego .

6 Benefits of Individuation

Individuation is not only the process of cultivating wholeness and becoming our “ authentic and true selves ” It is also the process of becoming a fully mature human being .
At different points throughout our lives , we ’ ll receive different callings and come across new doors that await us . When we are young , these callings might manifest themselves as the formation of our personalities . As we grow older , these callings might manifest themselves as learning empathy , or community . Each calling is just as necessary as the next . We can only move on once we ’ ve completely integrated the lesson each door has in store for us . By successfully progressing through our individuation , we can :
1 . Become aware of our social personas and how they are not our True Selves . 

2 . Become aware of how our subpersonalities operate , healing and then embracing them from the holistic perspective of the Self . 

3 . Become aware of our core wounds and shadow selves that prevent us from experiencing the wholeness of our egos . 

4 . Awaken to our state of disconnection and soul loss allowing us to embark on our spiritual journeys in order to discover our place in the world . This