Individuation , however , isn ’ t solely about the development of our ego selves . Ego development is only one part of the process of individuation , not the end result . The purpose of individuation is the development of what Jung referred to as the “ Psyche ” ( the Greek word for “ Soul ”) which goes deeper than the ego
In life , all of us experience the call of individuation . We all want to express ourselves on an ego level , but we also crave for something deeper , something that transcends the ego . The individuation process is , all at once , about the process of becoming differentiated and unique , but also a process of becoming whole and united with others .
Only once you get to know the exact shape of your piece of the cosmic puzzle , will you be able to find your place within the puzzle as a whole . This allows you to experience Spirit and Soul ( https :// lonerwolf . com / what-is-asoul /).
The Only Way Out , Is Through
For each of us in life , there exists a set of inner doors that no one can go through , except for us .
Our individuation processes are not linear , but circular . Individuation is a journey towards wholeness in which we create a balanced relationship between our inner and outer worlds . This is a delicate art . Perhaps that ’ s why Jung depicted our wholeness as a circle with a dot in the center , proclaiming ,
“ self is not only the center , but also the whole circumference .”
Throughout the ages , men have been intuitively aware of the existence of such an inner center that guided their life journeys . The Greeks called this center man ’ s inner “ daimon ” ( meaning “ to be motivated by a spiritual force ”). In ancient Egypt , this inner force was expressed as the concept of the “ Ba ” ( soul ) and the Romans worshiped it as the “ genius ” native to each individual .
Jung once asked himself , “ What is it , in the end , that induces a man to go his own way and to rise out of unconscious identity with the mass as out of a swathing mist ?” He concluded , “ It is what is commonly called vocation : an irrational factor that destines a man to emancipate himself from the herd and