Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 31

The number 6 is the ' Mother ' number and is essentially a working , building number . It symbolises responsibility and service which needs to be achieved through love , nurturing and protection . There is an innate desire within the 6 individual to bring harmony , peace , justice and truth to all experiences in life . 6 thrives on beauty and needs to be comfortable in all areas of their lives – emotionally , spiritually and physically .
It would be a good month to take a fresh look at your home , family and relationships . How is your marriage doing ? What could you do to improve it ? How are you getting along with your children , your parents , your siblings ? This is an excellent month to clear the air and solve problems with family members or other close relationships . If there is any discord , now is a good time to sit down and have a good chat and look at ways to bring peace and harmony to the family . Send flowers , arrange to watch a movie together , or just make that long overdue phone call . Your efforts have extra power in this month because 6 is conducive to love and healing on all levels .
 You want to commit to someone This is your month cause 6 energies with the combination of 11 will do wonders for you . 
 Keep your thoughts positive and you will manifest lasting happiness for you . 
 Importance of 11 number is very high so last advice is to keep your thoughts positive specially on 11 / 11 .
 Take out some time to meditate and manifest your dreams this day . Start the process .
 Love and Light Varsha Dwivedi - ( C . Ht .) 
 -Clinical Hypnotherapist , 
 -Past life regression Therapist 
 -Life between Lives therapist 

-Crystal Healer , -Tarot Reader , 
 -NLP ( Neuro LinguisticProgramming ) & Subconscious Reimprinting ; Trainer to the Coaches , and Master Practitioner 

- Marma “ Vedic Science ” Therapist 
 -Diploma in Art Therapy 
 -Reiki Healer ( Level - 3 ) 
 www . healyou . in 
 Email : varshadwivedi225 @ gmail . com