Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -3, 1 September 2020 | Page 29
Relaxing in solitude is so important for our mental health. Our thoughts tend to go a
bit wild when we have no time to sit down and breathe. Make sure you spend time
20. Find a relaxation technique
There are so many amazing relaxation techniques out there. Whether it be EFT
(emotional freedom technique), PMR (progressive muscle relaxation), meditation,
yoga, or something else, ensure you do it daily.
Letting Go of Toxic People and Relationships
21. Journal about your feelings
Pour out your feelings and regrets in a private journal. Let writing and expressing
your innermost thoughts be a balm for your soul.
22. Realise that you did the best you could
When a relationship ends we tend to obsessively dwell on the past and all that we
did wrong. Be kind to yourself and realize that you did the very best you could with
the knowledge and maturity you had at the time. There’s no need to beat yourself
23. Don’t force forgiveness
If you don’t feel like forgiving someone, don’t force yourself. There’s no need to be
disingenuous or quasi-spiritual about what you’re experiencing. Allow yourself to
feel royally pissed! Give yourself space to rage and vent. You will forgive when
you feel ready to forgive (https://lonerwolf.com/forgiveness-sainthood/), and not a
moment before. So let go of the guilt and honor how you feel right now.
24. Create clear boundaries
If you are not comfortable with something or someone, respect yourself by creating
boundaries. Don’t let anyone abuse you or ignore your limits. Be firm but kind.
Preserve your energy and only use it on those you feel comfortable having around.
25. Release regrets and live in the moment
When relationships end we are often filled with intense regrets. While this is normal
to experience, realise that the past is the past: it is gone completely. Pining over