Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -3, 1 September 2020 | Page 22

 To the skeptical but willing client, I sometimes give the therapeutic directive to pick up a friendly anthology of poetry, like Poetry 180 [10] and tell me about their experience. The response from my logic-ruled clients is subtle but deep. It is usually for these clients that poetry is the most necessary. On this necessity, I can not add to what William Carlos Williams has already written so beautifully: “My heart rouses thinking to bring you news of something that concerns you and concerns many men. Look at what passes for the new. You will not find it there but in despised poems. It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there.” [11] I invite hypnotherapists and healers everywhere to explore how poetry can enhance your practice. Felice Austin, MFA, CHt As a certified hypnotherapist, Felice Austin brings her experience as a writer, teacher, poet, interviewer, storyteller and shamanic practitioner. Felice is also a certified Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher and the creator of Shamanic Hypnotic Imagery Facilitation Technique (SHIFT). She is passionate about assisting clients expand their vision and achieve their personal goals in such areas as: creativity, self confidence, relationship enhancement, communication strategies, anxiety reduction, trauma healing, life mastery, and much more.