Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 9 1 March 2020 | Page 40
always ask whatever being emerges in your dream whether it’s your inner
child or not.
5. Be warm and friendly toward your inner child and ask them whether they
need anything from you. Listen carefully and be generous and kind-hearted.
You may prefer to leave the dialogue open and let them express to you
anything that’s on their mind or heart. Don’t expect to be best friends with
your inner child right away, particularly if you’ve ignored them for most of your
life. The practice of meeting, embracing, and healing your inner child may
take quite a few lucid dream sessions, so be patient and go slowly.
6. Journal about any discoveries you’ve made while talking with your inner
child after waking up.
Lucid Dreaming FAQ
Here are some other common questions people ask when wanting to learn
how to lucid dream:
Q: How do I interpret my lucid dreams?
A: There are numerous ways of applying dream interpretation to your lucid
dreams. Some common techniques include meditation (meditating on a
symbol or experience that emerged), journaling, guided visualization, and
even inducing another lucid dream to answer your question. See our article
on how to understand the meaning of your dreams for more guidance.
Q: What is lucid dreaming like?
A: Chances are that lucid dreaming is like nothing you’ve ever experienced
before. It’s an exhilarating, surreal, mind-opening, mystical experience that
feels crisp and vivid, just like waking reality. The only difference is that you
can do anything or go anywhere you like within a lucid dream.
Q: Is it dangerous to lucid dream?
A: Nope. Lucid dreaming is basically the art of becoming aware in your
dreams – and if you get hurt in your dreams, you simply wake up. There’s no