Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4, Issue - 8, 1 February 2020 | Page 25

SHISHIR RITU PARICHARYA WINTER SEASON REGIMEN . Shishir Ritu /Season marks the onset of winter season. Shishir ritu follows Hemant ritu , and during Shishir ritu brings colder environment than Hemant ritu. As cold winds start flowing, in northern parts of india, temperature goes below 0 which indicates severity of winter. as coldness intensify, dryness in environment also gets severe as cold dry winds are flowing in this season. Shishir ritu starts in mid January and ends in mid march. According to indian calendar Shishir ritu comes in months of Magh and Phalgun. In Shishir ritu, sun is in its northern solstice. . . As i mentioned in my previous article on mansoon season regimen. Every season has different environmental conditions which affects many physiological functions in the body . During season change body starts to adjust to attain dosha balance & restore normal physiological functions. Now to assist and smoothen this process and to prevent ourself from various disorders we all need to make changes in our diet and lifestyle according to that specific ritu/ season . What kind of changes Shishir ritu/ Winter Season brings in environment and in our body? During Shishir ritu, usually nights are longer and days are small. But as shishir ritu marks the onset of northen solstice, days slowly starts to get longer again. Moon is more powerful in this season. Shishir ritu is healthiest season in all 6 season. . During Shishir ritu due to extreme cold weather outside, our digestive fire gets stronger. We eat more food in this season than other season. This season gives us good strength and immunity. This season is best for heavy