Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4, Issue - 8, 1 February 2020 | Page 14

#  A first aid #  Simple to remember #  Empowering #  Language free to 99% #   Efficient and powerful enough to bring peace to individuals and society #  Easy to combine with other therapies or treatments #  Works great with music and dance #  Simple to multiply Why these points? When applying TTT we stimulate 14 specific points on the upper part of the body. The same points are used in similar psycho-sensory treatments such as TFT and EFT. Why are these points used? Any touch on the skin creates sensory input and generates electrochemical signals in the body that will be registered by the brain, activating the autonomous nervous system, triggering responses and production of hormones and neurochemicals. Some points of the body are more sensitive and register more information than others; you can compare tapping under the eye with tapping on your knee to get a general idea. 4