Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 6, 1 December 2019 | Page 16
It can be in any form, a piece of jewellery, to a raw chunk, to a beautifully
shaped one etc… can be of any colour or genre. Just pick that one up.
Now bring it back and before you program it clean it up with the help of
incense moving around it, or with your intent alone, or leaving it in moon light
for a while with the intent of cleaning.
Now hold it in your hand and say you are here to change my life please bring
positivity into every thing.
Keep this crystal close to you either in your pocket or bag or if you can wear
it. If it is really big place it in your home.
Do that cleansing ritual every fortnight (15 days ) and witness magic around
Happy magical Crystal healing
Lots of love and light to you.
Varsha Dwivedi -(C.Ht.)
-Clinical Hypnotherapist,
-Past life regression Therapist
-Life between Lives therapist
-Crystal Healer, -Tarot Reader,
-NLP Trainer to the Coaches Master Practitioner and coach of NLP
Neuro LinguisticProgramming) & Subconscious Re – imprinting,
- Marma “ Vedic Science” Therapist
-Diploma in Art Therapy
Email: [email protected]