Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 6, 1 December 2019 | Page 15

How to Choose your Crystal for the First Timers and Seasoned alike You are hearing so much about crystals and you really want to take help from them yet you have no idea how to. Well, no need to study and get yourself confused at an intellectual level as if now…… Walk with me, together we will find crystal which is best suited to all our need. Sit in a quite place and say a little prayer according to your faith, believe or spirituality with which you feel safe and you connect with. Now lit a candle look into its flame for a while and then pull out a pen and paper. List everything you feel is bad going on in your life. Or you want. Right now, which you want to turn into right. (Please it should not involve any other person or it will back fire - Focus on you and you alone and stay positive) now read it. After that write one thing, “I need solution to this, or I want it to happen” No please do not start to give yourself any solution as if now…… Just seek it from universe and burn this paper in the flame of that candle (Keep an ash tray or an earthen pot next to you) Now walk into the crystal store go through all the crystal without asking for their properties as in, what they do and how they work what they are best etc…….. Just see which one attracts you most . Which one is there which is holding your hand again and again it could be the special one.