Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 4, 1 October 2019 | Page 44
Sharad Ritu Paricharya /
Autumn Season Regimen
. Autumn
season is one of the total 6 season in India.
According to Ayurveda it is called as Sharad Ritu.
Shard ritu (autumn) comes after Varsha ritu (monsoon) . As rains
stops pouring and sky began to get clearer.. This Sharad ritu
starts in mid September and stays till mid November. As per
indian calendar Ashwin and Kartik months falls under Sharad ritu.
. As I mentioned in my previous article on Monsoon season
regimen. Every season has different environmental conditions
which affects many physiological functions in the body . During
season change body starts to adjust to attain dosha balance &
restore normal physiological functions. Now to assist and
smoothen this process and to prevent ourselves from various