Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue - 4, 1 October 2019 | Page 42
calmness, failure and success, win or lose, fight and resolve, be friendly
and unfriendly, love and hate, hurt and being together are great
emotions. In a way handling them we become more competent, dealing
with life.
Neglect, carelessness, taking it for granted can ruin anyone’s any
relationship. Never let grow the weeds of jealousy, misunderstanding,
cheating, hurt, distrust, insecurity. One must consciously take an effort to
uproot them if ever, it happens. One must try to take conscious effort to
deal with them. As a perception change catalyst to an awesome life, I
say conscious effort are two magical words indeed which can bring
change in any sphere of life.
‘’Being in a Relationship is worthy than having no relations at all’’
Conscious efforts have been taken from ages to enrich the essence of
various relations in India and across the world. Various rituals, customs,
and celebrations are thus performed on certain days, to glorify the
impression of relations, on human beings. These auspicious days are
marked on calendar because it is again conscious effort, a conscious
medium used, to reciprocate the value, the importance of relationship in
everyone’s life. Few examples
Valentine’s Day depicts relation of two people in love.
Rose Day Red Rose embodies love and allows lovers to reciprocate
love on this day.
Wedding Anniversary glorifies years of staying together of two souls.
Mothers and Father’s Day unfathomable bonding between a child and
Rakhi strengthens the warm loving relation of brother and sister.
Holi proposes the idea of manifesting the human relationship with each
other, asks to leave aside all differences of race, colour, caste, creed
and enjoy it.
Karvachauth: A ritual in India, in which wife fasts and prays for the long
life of her man so that they both can have many years of togetherness
and love.