Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4, Issue - 2, 1 August 2019 | Page 6
or change our metabolism, skin, etc… Body gets adjusted to new season
in some days. And to smoothen that process we change our diet according
to that particular season.
. If you observe your grandparent's food habits in particular season you
will come to know that they make small changes in their diet every 2-3
months. Ayurveda has a detailed regimen according to every ritu (season).
Paricharya means, Regimen of do's & don’ts’. Ritu means season.
In this article we will learn about:
Varsha Ritu Paricharya . i.e Monsoon season Regimen.
So what kind of changes Monsoon season brings?
After scorching heat of summer , rains gives us big relief. when rains start
pouring over heated ground ; Vapors starts coming out from ground & as
result of this phenomena ; our 3 doshas gets imbalanced in our body .
Especially vata dosha gets vitiated in our body along with mild levels of
pitta dosha . This imbalance of doshas causes -
1)Low ‘- digestive power’ .
2)Low -‘immunity power.’