Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 45
Diamond is an Enhancer Purifier crystal. Enhancers have internal crystal
lattices of perfect cubic symmetry and internal harmony. As “building block”
talismans, their internal structure helps focus our efforts to build on our
successes and enhance our lives. They concentrate our energy on the
improvements we desire and thought patterns that will produce the actions
needed to bring them about.
Purifiers are the natural elements of nature. Only a few, such as gold, silver,
copper, sulfur and carbon (as Diamond) are found in a pure state and are
suitable as talismans. They carry the earth power to assist our efforts in
accomplishing goals where a higher purpose transcends our own personal
needs. They promote truth and honor, patience and courage, and protecting
innocence. They inspire spiritual growth and aid in our quests to remain
faithful to a partner or an ideal.
Diamond in Ancient Lore and Legend
The Diamond is considered by many to be the “king of gems,” and in antiquity
was often paired with the Pearl as its queen. The famous mineralogist
George Kunz declared, “The Diamond is to the Pearl as the sun is to the
moon...the Diamond, like a knight of old - brilliant and resistant, is the emblem
of fearlessness and invincibility; the Pearl, like a lady of old - pure and fair to
look upon, is the emblem of modesty and purity.” [Kunz, 69]
The Diamond carried a high place of honour in its religious use as a symbol
of authority and as an intermediary between the human and divine worlds, as
well as its importance in ceremonial worship and as offerings. In India, it is
believed treasures offered to the images or shrines of the gods bring good
fortune to the generous donor, and worshipping Krishna with a Diamond can
secure even the impossible, or Nirvana, that is eternal life in the highest
heaven. The Diamond is also one of the sacred stones used in the naoratna
or the panchratna, the revered talismanic jewels composed respectively of
nine and five gems. [Kunz, 240-241]
To the eastern world, the Diamond possessed a wonderful power to bring
good fortune. A mystic of the fourteenth century, Rabbi Benoni, believed its
magic produced somnambulism (sleep-walking), but as a talisman it attracted
the planetary influences so strongly it rendered the wearer invincible. It was
also believed to provoke a state of spiritual ecstasy. [Kunz, 72]