Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 12, 1 June 2020 | Page 44
others. [Eason, 136][Ahsian, 135][Melody, 243-244][Hall, 123]
Diamond also encourages one to look at the struggles and hardships of life
and see if the lessons and growth they’ve provided can be used in a positive
way. The Diamond lends strength in dealing with high-pressure situations and
assists in responding with grace. It asks us to be a model of fortitude in times
of adversity, and helps one understand it is in these difficult times our
behavior reveals our true inner beauty and our soul’s knowledge. [Ahsian,
Meditation with Diamond
Diamond crystals are perfect transducers, allowing the high-frequency
vibrational energies of the spirit realms to be more available to the conscious
self. Used in meditation, especially when placed on the Third Eye, these
crystals facilitate the entry into meaningful visionary states and may heighten
one’s psychic powers. Placing a second Diamond over the heart activates the
energetic circuit between the
two vital centers and influences them to act in synergistic union as Nature
intended. [Simmons, 135]
The Divinatory meaning of Diamond: Proof of your abilities will come from an
unexpected source. [Eason, 136]
Dreaming of Diamonds signifies victory over enemies. [Kunz, 358]
Diamond - The Stone of Light
Diamond is not associated with any zodiac sign, they are the stone of light.
Diamond Talismans and Amulets
The Diamond has been used since antiquity as a talisman against cowardice,
and is traditionally worn against the skin for courage and to enhance
invulnerability. It rallies strength with age, and brings emotional and
intellectual confidence. [Melody, 243][Eason, 136]