Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 4 Issue- 10, 1 April 2020 | Page 5
Surviving the Pandemic
As the world reels under the COVID-19 pandemic and media is driving
people crazy with tales of confusion & chaos, there are tales of love, hope
& humanity that are surfacing around the world and need to be told, instead
of the unending & relentless stream of media portrayal of chaos & death.
Reporting of true facts and figures is the moral & institutional responsibility
of media but so is the ethical & positive reporting were the emphasis is to
report without exaggeration & sensationalisation to boost TRPs. What the
world in this moment needs is hope & positivity not anxiety & fear. Nations
and people need to be told that it's neither a doomsday meme-fest nor a
apocalypse scenario happening in some remote corners of the world but a
real life crisis that's is here & now!!!! A narrative of hope & humanity's
power to navigate through this crisis needs to be built and tales of love &
light popping around the globe like never before, need to be told and
shared on every media platform for assuring humanity that with a little
caution & loads of love & support we can sail through these rough times.
People are discovering amazing things about their fellow beings and
neighbours in this moment. They are dropping groceries, food, supplies at
doorsteps of ones who can't go out, they are sharing food, donating &
organising community kitchens, giving free rides, supporting kids & elderly
of families away under medical care, singing songs & playing music in their
balconies & porches to liven the neighbourhood, mowing lawns, picking
veggies & fruits from gardens for ones who can't attend theirs, so on and
so forth, there are endless tales of people who are doing amazing acts of
kindness, love, generosity & compassion in this moment, at times even at
the risk of their own lives but then all angels don't carry wings!!!! Friends,
these are the tales that need to be told, these are the angels who need to
be celebrated to let people know that there is hope, there is love & there is