Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 44
wonderful home cooks, and family and friends can always be assured of a
meal or baked treats upon visiting their homes.
6’s like their homes to be airy and bright, with a feeling of quality and
comfort, and those who live there and/or visit can often feel pampered in
some way. Partners will feel well cared for and nurtured living with a 6
6s have a tendency to place partners on pedestals and are shattered when
they don't live up to their expectations.
Number 7 people are extremely romantic and fall head over heels in love
easily. They have a tendency to declare their undying love in the very early
stages of a relationship, and this can be off-putting for the object of their
affections who may feel that things are moving too fast for them. Number 7s
should try to keep their emotions in check and allow relationships to grow at
a more sedate pace. This approach is more likely to allow number 7s to
discover if what they are experiencing is love or is in fact a brief infatuation.
Number 7s are demonstrative in their affection and frequently express their
love and devotion to their partners. Number 7s will need to be reassured
and have their declarations reciprocated from time to time or they will
become insecure and begin to doubt their partner’s love. In this situation
number 7s should be honest about how they are feeling and let their
partners know that they need to be appreciated.
The people who are most likely to be attracted to number 7s are those who
find it difficult to express their emotions and feel that their inability can be
compensated for by the more than plentiful abilities of 7. This generally is a
good balance, but can lead to problems.
Number 7s often choose partners who are less dreamy than themselves,
and are more gifted in practical matters, and again, this is a good balance.
Within the marriage or long-term relationship areas of life, 7s need a partner
who is understanding, open-minded, supportive and self-aware. 7s can be
whimsical, mystical, philosophical and prophetic at times, so a suitable
partner would be someone who can relate to 7s worldly and spiritual views,
beliefs and perspectives. They would also need to be good listeners and be
willing to take on extra responsibilities and tasks that the 7 person may
have overlooked or forgotten.