Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 43
meet their emotional needs and who is sensitive and understanding. If
number 6s finds such a mate they may be able to begin to deal with their
stresses and emotional difficulties. In relationships, number 6s need lots of
affection and reassurance, and their partners should be aware that they
may be hiding negative emotions.
Number 6s demonstrate their affection through making a fuss of their
partners on significant dates such as birthdays and anniversaries. They are
not comfortable in demonstrating affection on a daily basis as they have a
deep-rooted fear of rejection.
Arguments are unlikely in a relationship with a number 6 as 6s are likely to
compromise and negotiate in order to avoid a dispute. Number 6s should be
honest if they harbour resentments or ill-feelings and should allow their
partners to do the same - discussing these will minimize future
disagreements on the same topic.
Number 6s within the marriage or long-term relationship realm, are loving,
supportive, comforting and accommodating, and make for fair, balanced
and stable partners.
6’s like to ensure that all material needs are met for themselves and their
loved ones, and will find ingenious ways to bring prosperity, beauty and
abundance into the home and family environment.
6s are relatively easy-going, friendly and hospitable, but make sure not to
cross them as once brought to anger 6s make formidable foe. 6s always
prefer to keep things happy and amicable, but will stand up for themselves
and their loved ones with fervour when/if the need arises.
Those influenced by the 6 vibration resonate well with those of similar
numerological qualities such as 2, 4 and 8, but due to their good-nature and
ability to see the highest good in all, number 6 makes wise, non-judgmental
and trustworthy companions and make true and loyal friends and allies.
6s make great hosts as they are welcoming to all and know who to bring a
sense of beauty, balance and love to all family occasions and social
gatherings and outings.
6s most often have wholesome and delicious foods in their kitchens and
seem to have a natural flair for flavour and taste. They often make