Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 3
• Watch out what are your internal whispers of soul, that you have been
• Your highest divine purpose is - Being of service in this world, in a way
‘You Enjoy’.
• There are few final attributes one needs during this month’s eclipse and new
moon cycle. And forever. :))
- Openness
- being open to the guidance from the spirit. Being open to
make change in your life. Being open to new situation and possibilities.
- Positivity
- To usher in positive changes in your life. Well we cannot
always choose what happened to our life but we can always choose how
we respond.
- Willingness
- to take action in alignment to your inspiration. to be the
one who is creating positive changes in the world by receiving guidance
and acting on it. Anchor the higher light into your life and through your
inspired action embody more of the Devine being you are.
- Finally, Adaptability - This is such a key element since things so not go
the way you planned but when you commit to respond to love and to
progress in your path of Love and, listening to your guidance there is
always a next step so be adaptable, be resourceful, and if you do not know
what to do next tune into your heart tune into your inner guidance and
What is my very next step, how can I heal and support myself and how can
I be of service in the higher interest of all? What is my very next step to
raise my vibration. and move along the time line of my highest divine light
of the highest possibility of my life? Than LISTEN, TRUST and ACT on the
guidance you receive.even if its small even if its little something like clean
your kitchen… cause when you take that ‘action step’ than the next step
can appear.
Let’s Set the tone with
• Prakash’s : Prana: The Essence of Life and Wellness.
• Then read with me Varsha: Hypnotherapy and its Various modalities…..
• Very much en sync with the flow is Neha Sharma’s ‘Self- Healing’
• and here is our very special Dr. Vrunda Pawar Malankar With its
Importance of Spices and Its Medicinal Values.