Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 2

योगयुक्तो िवशुद्धात्मा िविजतात्मा िजतेिन्द्रयः । सवर्भूतात्मभूतात्मा कुवर्न्निप न िलप्यते "5:7 II The karm yogis, who are of purified intellect, and who control the mind and senses, see the Soul of all souls in every living being. Though performing all kinds of actions, they are never (Srimadbhagvat Geeta : Chapter 5 Verse 7) entangled. FROM THE DESK We are very clear beings; We all are a powerful compass of our own life, its journeys . and outcome , and even what we want . However, we are heavily influenced by the magnetic charges of our surrounding karmic vibrations and, that causes our compass to go haywire … … … totally . Now ; “Oh boy !!! I need to clear up Karma ’s….” sounds confusing , what and where should I begin ? Well do not worry . Let ’s begin with some very little concepts to reach to the thicker and denser layer and eventually even clean them. • Step up your self care ritual. • Resetting into a higher divine version of you. • really loving yourself nurturing yourself. • Create interfaces with the infinite. • Getting out in nature. • Really committing for morning meditation. • Light shower to cleanse away energy of day to sleep well. • Update your Journal. • Committing to eat healthy. • Commit to live your higher vibration in life. • Cleanse all the clutter at all the levels from your life. • Where you are acting in reactive ways, integrate yourself and find what to let go. • Clean up the space - since as within so without, so when your space is clear you are able to let in the high energy without getting stressed.