Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, Issue - 1, 1 July 2019 | Page 20

2. Because of its strong piercing properties it breaks down kapha & cleans our microchannels off toxins & ama (Phlegm). 3. It is effective in almost all respiratory system disorders of Kapha & Vata origin. It works as a mucolytic agent. 4. It is a good anthelminthic medicine, also works great in reducing bloating, gas problem. 5. Useful in ‘Cardia disorders’, ‘Liver disorders’, ‘Urinary system disorders’. 6. It is used as anti fungal, anti bacterial, anti spasmodic medicine. HOME REMEDIES : 1. On productive cough problem , use small quantity of black pepper with honey. 2. On congestive sore throat ( Kapha dominated) take black pepper powder with ghee. 3. For Thyroid gland dysfunction, trikatu churna is to be taken with honey in morning time. 4. For dental carries, use decoction of Black pepper to gargle. 5. To revive unconscious person, we can blow pinch of black pepper powder into person's nostrils as a first aid. CAUTION : Because of its hot nature, it increases pitta and heat in our body, hence to be used carefully by “Pitta Prakruti people”, person with gastritis, bleeding piles, burning sensation problems. Also its anti- aphrodisiac, hence use very carefully by men who are planning to have baby or have low sperm count. Also use with caution in pregnancy & lactation period.