Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 3, Special Mega Annual Issue 15 June 2019 | Page 35

Past Life Regression with Incredible Proof “IN RETROSPECT, ALL WE REMEMBER ARE TWO THINGS 1. THE LOVE WE GIVE AND RECEIVE 2. OUR REGRETS EVERYTHING ELSE FADES AWAY…” This was my 2nd PLR client... A very dear friend who agreed to be my guinea pig for the session. He indulged me by undergoing the session and told me he doesn't believe in past lives and all that. So it was basically curiosity plus obligation.. he couldn't say "no" to me. ……………………… and, it turned out to be an exciting and phenomenal session. During trance he found himself in a room with black walls which had birds painted on them. Outside this room was a passage with bookshelves on either side. A verbatim is produced here My name is Thomas Albert Street. I was born in New Hampshire, England. The year 1886 comes to mind . I have lots of siblings. Going ahead in time I see that I am shaking hands with lots of people.. I can't make out what.. it's some ceremony. I get into a car and reach the ship yard.i get into a huge ship... It's beautiful. Lots of people waving as ship moves to sea....going ahead I see myself in a small boat with a few men and women. My childhood friend is there with me. Everyone is anxious. I don't understand what is happening. A storm? No.. doesn't look like... I go more ahead in time. I see myself on another ship.. it's a different ship, this one. I can see the statue of Liberty. Am in New York. It's dark. I am walking on the beach. Have pulled up my pants till my knees