Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 3, Special Mega Annual Issue 15 June 2019 | Page 34

tender mind. The suggestion became deeply embedded as truth that even his adult mind was not able to reason through. Further, as he started growing older a young girl in the neighbourhood began to violate him. For some reason, he couldn't fathom back then, why he was not able to stop her advances and allowed her repeatedly to violate him even though he was uncomfortable with what was happening. lt made him feel dirty and deserving of punishment. The childhood suggestion of being captured by a female ghost followed by the subsequent violation created a deep seated double entanglement which turned his fear into a perpetual dread of being followed by a female ghost.  What made his condition worse was the multiplicity of angry spirit attachments that were hooking into his beliefs emanating from the childhood fear & violation. As we identified and released these beliefs, the guilt and shame trapped in him as a result of these and several other associated memories came into the light of awareness for resolution and reframing.  Many other issues were addressed during this healing journey. What was most compelling for me in this case was how careless story telling by parents can lead to deep neurosis in the psyche and how young boys & girls are equally at risk of being abused in their childhood, particularly when both parents happen to be working. Suzy Singh Clinical Hypnotherapist, Transpersonal Therapist, Karma Coach & Energy Healer E-mail : [email protected] 'Suzy Singh is the author of the  bestselling book on Spirituality & Personal Wellbeing, 7 Karma Codes, Heal the Storm Within available at https://www.amazon.in/dp/938423821X/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_apa_i_TfxnzbMVAF6JF The ebook version can be bought at https://www.amazon.com/Karma-Codes-Heal-Storm-Within-ebook/dp/ B078C63GNM/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0? _encoding=UTF8&qid=1537871106&sr=8-1