Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 8, 1, February 2019 | Page 21
I am The Traveller - I am The Journey
Tat Twam Asi
“I am the traveller, I am the journey and its me who is
destination as well.”
Who am I… Never ending relations, never ending expectations, in
the mid of crowed yet lonely, all the luxury is there still feel like
beggar, people claim they love me and I think I love them too yet
Love unfulfilled, craving for unknown, unseen, desire for beloved
who is hidden behind the veil of MAYA (the matrix) and I did not
know how to cross this veil of Maya and be one with my beloved.
I walked all my life to meet him and finally when I reached there;
there is no one just me and me alone a traveller, took a long
journey in form of my life and finally I reached there just to realise
there is no other person or beloved it is me and me alone I am the
destination. There is only me nothing else in this world or
everything is me in this world.