Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 6, 1 December 2018 | Page 3

Wednesday, 28 November 2018 Loving ourself doesn't mean buying nice things or treating ourself to massages, vacations, a nice car or an expensive restaurant meal. In fact, (No harm doing it though, just don't confuse it with self love),We see people constantly looking for the next big "fix" that will allow them to feel momentarily better about their life or relationship. The fixes never do, because underneath all those treats and expenses, you still don't love yourself and who you really are, at the core. 2. We do things for others so they won't think we're a bad person. This is classic people pleasing behaviour. You say "yes" to doing things for others when you really don't have time or the desire, because you don't want to disappoint them. You don't dare disagree with a friend for fear they'll be angry with you. You often wonder how you got yourself into commitments that turn out to be a giant headache. If you're seeking approval from others in order to feel like a good, hard- working, loving person, you'll forever run yourself ragged. That's because no matter what compliments others bestow upon you, you'll never feel like enough. 3. We keep searching for that perfect relationship. We keep thinking that someday, life will be so much better when we find the right partner and fall in love. We'll finally feel as though you belong, or that we're understood and appreciated for who we are. Looking to another person to make us feel whole is a bad strategy, That’s because...They cant make us love us. Our love comes from within us and thats exactly from where our confidence comes too. If there is a part of yourself you resist, wish were different or downright hate. Lack of self love is not obviously evident, its silently operates under a Radar. When you don't love yourself It manifests itself in variety of ways: Criticism Neediness Control Bickering Blame Withdrawal Anger Passive- Aggressive behaviour. Alright here is an argument, Whats wrong with trying to be better, Is not self improvement important. 2