Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume- 3, Issue - 5, 1 November 2018 | Page 4
Sunday, 4 November 2018
And here we are once again sorting our beliefs aout the imagined conflict
between prosperity and spirituality. Well read Dr. Kaloski for there is none.
With Neha Sharma we are again at a very important issue, where people
get confused after seeing something radical, unbelievable under trance a
very good point raised and her way of giving assurance is very valid. May
we find it useful.
And Suzy Singh put forth a very valid point that what effect our ghost
stories can have on our children which eventually lead to psychological
here i want to remind one old issue’s article given by Guzalia Davis where
stories were used to give protections and positive affirmations to children.
Now imagine what do we do to our children when their bed time stories are
ghost stories. Or any time for that matter.
A must read case study.
With (me) Varsha Dwivedi, you will find how issue alone decide where will
it go and what will it bring out. Since how a very much past life regression
intended issue actually went into future progression since the client concern
was not repaying any karmic debt but others were creating new karmas and
he was clearly given a map as to how to neutralise that.
A Prakash in his usual style brought “Phowa” for us his case study of client
and very similar assertion to Suzy’s interview confession that how every
client is somewhere reflecting what is needed to be known by us; in a way
aid to our healing or knowledge. What is “Phowa” well read it!!!
Joanne Walmsley has given her insight of colour healing a little
introduction of “Chromotherapy” well it will leave you intrigued and you
would want more. do not worry Decemer will bring more.
Now our crystal of the month is something very special “Onyx/Sardonyx)
must read for new insights and use of this crystal.