Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume- 3, Issue - 5, 1 November 2018 | Page 2
Sunday, 4 November 2018
आयु : सत्वबलारोग्यसुखप्रीितिववधर्ना: |
रस्या: िस्नग्धा: िस्थरा हृद्या आहारा: साित्वकिप्रया: || 8||
Persons in the mode of goodness prefer foods that promote the life
span, and increase virtue, strength, health, happiness, and
satisfaction. Such foods are juicy, succulent, nourishing, and naturally
Srimadbhagvadgeeta : Chapter 17 : Verse 8
From The Desk
When we start to laugh, it doesn't just lighten our load mentally, it actually
induces physical changes in our body. Laughter can: Stimulate many
organs. Laughter enhances our intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates our
heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released
by our brain.
Numerous benefits to laughter,
Reduced anger, anxiety, depression and stress.
Reduced tension (psychological and cardiovascular).
Increased pain threshold. Although Dr. Patch Adams advocates
therapeutic clowning, hospital clowns had no effect on distress in
children having minor surgery in one study.
Reduced risk of heart attack.
Improved lung function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease or COPD.
Increased energy expenditure. The researchers estimated a day of
"genuine laughter" could burn 2,000 calories.
Reduced blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
Higher pregnancy rates after in vitro fertilization when a clown joked
with would-be mothers.
Adds joy and zest to life
Eases anxiety and tension
Relieves stress
Improves mood
Strengthens resilience
Strengthens relationships
Attracts others to us
Enhances teamwork
Helps defuse conflict