Monday , 6 August 2018
In our world , people seem to be obsessed about money and that obsession can take many forms , both positive and negative . Some good spiritual people often just want to ignore it and that , in its own way , represents a negative obsession to me . In and of itself money is neither good nor bad but rather a neutral instrument for measuring exchange based on a community agreement . It has the values we give to it through our attitudes and our use of it .
While not in and of itself spiritual , material possessions may provide some with a spiritual experience , teaching them what they have been tasked to learn in this lifetime , just as not having money may be a great teacher for others . Some people gain great freedom and growth from having money ; some people become shackled by it . Some people gain freedom and growth from not having money ; some people suffer despair , misery and depression from its lack .
How much money people need is an individual matter ; so please don ’ t fall prey to the trap of judging others for what they have or do not have . Some people may be amassing or may have already amassed fortunes that will later be used for the good of humanity , even if at present they don ’ t plan on using their money this way and aren ’ t on a spiritual path . The point here is that we can ’ t know the larger purpose of anyone ’ s path .
I feel strongly ( and I hope you would agree ) that success - both ours and others - should be measured not by the size of one ’ s bank account , the square footage of their house , the neighborhood they live in , whether the car they drive is a Ford or a Ferrari , whether the luggage they travel with is Louis Vuitton or Samsonite , whether the watch they wear is a Rolex or a Timex , but rather by the degree to which they are fulfilling their mission in life , are happy and joyful about their lives , are living their lives with passion and purpose and the degree to which they are contributing to the betterment of humanity and the world we live in .
On a deeper , spiritual level , money is in all actuality tangible energy . If Spirit is matter at its highest vibrational frequency ( as many