Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3 , Issue - 3, September 2018 | Page 28

Interview Ulf Sandstrom 1. How did the path of healing happen to you? I find that looking back at cause and effect of what happens in life is at best a blurred vision with wishful thinking. Nevertheless I am happy to explore this. I moved around a lot as a kid, between countries with political extremes, cultural extremes, poverty, riches, power, dictatorships, consensus and extreme capitalism. Considering what makes people tick in this situation is a survival and ‘thrival' skill that I started to develop without even thinking about it. I discovered Plato at 14 when I inherited a set of books about Socrates from my grandfather. I was fascinated how philosophical reasoning through Socratic dialogue can be applied to investigate the most elusive questions of life and death. During the same period I also discovered rock'n roll and the art of sailing. Both of which share the same foundation: an aspiration to master the balance of life. This was a foundation for my curiosity.  At a later point I had an enlightening encounter with western medicine at a time where relentless hyperactivity in a number of professions involving my