Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3 , Issue - 3, September 2018 | Page 23




Monday , 13 August 2018 deprivation . With training , understanding and imparting of knowledge the Yogic and Vedic lifestyle made a person ' s life relatively stress free .
Meditation is an important aspect of yogic and Vedic lifestyle . Recent studies done using functional MRI have shown that people who regularly meditate have enhanced prefrontal cortical regulation and reduced bilateral amygdale activity . Amygdale activity is typically associated with negative affective states .
So meditation can cause changes in the brain . At hormonal level meditation appears to improve endocrinal balance towards positive response . People who meditate regularly show higher levels of DHEA and lower cortisol levels which indicate that their body is taking and dealing with everything in a positive manner .
During many meditations , visualisation is an important technique . Positive visualisation will cause positive changes in the brain and a positive hormonal response whereas negative visualisation during meditation will cause negative changes in the brain and negative hormonal response .
Telomeres are structures found at the end of chromosomes . Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that prevents the end of the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with neighbouring chromosomes . In other words , telomeres protect DNA and chromosomes from damage . Telomere length starts increasing within 28 days of regular meditation . In fact , it is telomere length which defines the age of a person so meditation can increase the age of a person .
Dr . Dheeraj Nanda ( C . Ht .), Haiderabad , India
M . D . Homeo - P . G . Homeo - London " " Clinical Hypnotherapist "
Past Life Regression Therapist , Life between Lives Therapist
Spiritual Hypnotherapist E . mail : dr _ dhirajnanda @ yahoo . com