Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 2, ( 1 August 2018) | Page 13

demanded. We spoil it, we waste it, and years later when it’s gone we live in agony and repentance, struggling in guilt and pain of having lost it for our own foolishness! This lesson is so important to each one of us because its LOVE that’s the foundation of our Soul-family, of our Soul-group, for each soul who is part of our Journey is will fully and joyously there out of LOVE-pure unconditional LOVE to aid and facilitate our Soul’s evolutionary journey! So today, as a therapist the only lesson that I have worth sharing with my clients and readers is, let LOVE be the cornerstone of your very being! Be the LOVE you seek, for its only through LOVE that you can evolve and facilitate the members of your Soul-family to evolve as well ! So love deeply, dearly and daringly, even if you had missed the moments in years gone by, still make the best of every day, every moment, every chance to express your love to those around you-for you never know who in your Soul-family might