Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 3, Issue - 2, ( 1 August 2018) | Page 12
role in our worldly interactions. They support us by creating and
providing us situations and experiences that help us in our spiritual
Affiliates or Tertiary souls in our Soul-family are the ones who
are present in our life journey as support-staff to facilitate our Soul’s
journey on earth plane. They can be our parents, relatives, co-
workers, friends etc. i.e. someone who facilitate our earthly
experience and aid our evolutionary quest. A majority of them are also
a part of our lives owing to Karmic reasons, and thus in a way provide
us with valuable opportunities to learn and evolve.
We as Souls while manifesting and experiencing our human
existence may not be aware of our bonds and contracts we forged
with the other members of our Soul-family or Soul-group yet, we all
have an uncanny KNOWING when we interact with members of our
Soul-family, the closer the level the stronger is the feeling. The key is
we FEEL STRONGLY, good or bad, comfortable or uncomfortable,
loved or rejected- we feel strongly!
I once had a client who had very strong feelings of pain, hurt,
letting-down or even being un-loved by her partner in her current
lifetime, the same partner on enquiry during her Life-between-Life
session turned out to be her Core or Primary soul! The discovery of
the bond they made for her to go through this experience was to
facilitate her Soul’s evolution to acceptance and unconditional-love,
because in lifetimes before she had received so much love and
attention that it all became something taken-for-granted! So imagine
her partner, her Core or Primary soul will fully choose the experience
of loneliness, disharmony and aloofness, just to facilitate the evolution
of her soul, to aid her spiritual journey!
In all my learning and experience the only thing, maybe the one
thing I have come to understand today, after having myself been
foolish and insensitive over years, is that- LOVE, is the key! We take
it for granted when it comes to us in abundance, free and un-