Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 3, issue 12, I June 2019 | Page 27

that you haven’t in along time, it reminds you of a person you knew as a child and all of a sudden you feel like a kid.  Your behaviours and actions can be divided into three categories: • • • A conscious action spurred by where you are, who you are with and what is possible A habitual action spurred by experiences and learnings from the past A subconscious action spurred by something beyond your awareness. The input that starts your actions is a stimuli of some sort that reached your system through your senses from the outside, or from the inside.  If you step back from your daily life and watch it replay in stop-time-motion, how many of your every day actions will be the same? Wake up, wash, get dressed, brush teeth, have breakfast (or not), look in the mirror, walk out.  Now look at weekly patterns, monthly, yearly and onwards. How many consciously initiated behaviours and actions can you find and how much is running on auto-pilot? Step back further and look at your closer relations, neighbours, community, city, country and the world in general. Over 7 billion creatures, each with a free will, initiating actions and reactions to the world around us every moment, and affecting it beyond our awareness.  As your neighbour steps into a shop on the way home she buys some groceries, because we need to eat. In the shop there is not only proteins and carbohydrates, there are colourful packages with a number of variations of each source of nutrition. Maybe she won’t find the exact brand of peanut butter she likes and be slightly disappointed. Maybe she finds a new brand and thinks “this will be exciting, something new today for me”.  As she walks up to the cashier a young boy is paying for his groceries, and the cashier asks “would you like a bag?”. The boy looks at the cashier and then at her, and says “did you know that the plastic bag that helps me get these items comfortably home one time, has a life span of 450 years, and may very well end up in the island of garbage in the atlantic that today is more than five times the whole size of France?”.